Monday Theatre School Term 3
No experience needed.
A course of three acting workshops with director Dimitry Devdariani at the Tea House Theatre. The workshops will consist of three sessions.
Session 1
What is emotion? What kind of emotions do we know? Positive and negative emotions. Emotions in real life and on stage; what's the difference? How emotional expression in theatre differs from that in other art forms? Truthful portrayal of emotions on stage and how to achieve it? Human emotions as painter's palette.
Session 2
Practical exercises on emotional expression: laughter (different types of), crying (with different motivations), love (various types of), hate, fear, envy, happiness, joy, sadness, etc. How do we achieve truthfulness of emotional expression on stage? Emotional recall, as actor's technique. Imagination and what role it plays in the artistic portrayal of human emotion. Emotional triggers.
Session 3
Naturalistic and stylized portrayal of emotions on stage. How to remain truthful while portraying emotions in an abstract of stylized way (traditional forms of theatre and mime as an example). Portraying emotions while using only voice and then only movement. Portraying emotions while using both, voice and body, achieving harmony between the two.
Mondays 8th, 15th and 22nd November 2021.
Classes will be held from 7pm.
LIMITED spaces.
This masterclass will explore various improvisation techniques, acting exercises, voice and work with dramatic text.
Participants will be invited to work with well-known texts of established playwrights, as well as create their own and use them for acting exercises.
Speech and movement elements will be equally present in the workshop program.
In addition to the above, we promise a lot of FUN, as theatre first and foremost is a game and we understand that.
You can start by attending one session and then decide if you want to take the whole course. If you decide to attend one lesson, be sure to include the exact date.
One session £20
Full course £50