Life is never quite as straight as it seems...
Rainbow Heart is an original one-woman musical show about coming out and the search for identity.
What happens when you tumble out of the closet and find yourself trying to work out exactly where you are on the gender and sexuality spectrum? Rainbow Heart, the new one-woman musical show from The Bleeding Obvious endeavours to describe the experience through songs and tales of joy, grief, happiness, loss and defiance.
Touring the UK in 2018, it's been referred to as "hilarious", "thoughtful" and "astounding". With catchy songs and stories to make you giggle, let The Bleeding Obvious take you on a rollercoaster rainbow ride...
With spoken word support from special guests Geneviève L Walsh ("punk-song length poems about alienation, inebriation, pop music, and losers finding each other") and The Thinking Chimp ("dark, surreal, strange, insightful, edgy, with a squeeze of sarcasm and a large squirt of humour").
Tickets £9 adv. available here