"All must have prizes!"
The story of Alice in Wonderland takes place on the 4th May. To celebrate the 150th anniversary of the publication of Lewis Caroll's iconic novel the Tea House Theatre invites grown-ups to join the Mad Hatter, the Red Queen, the White Rabbit and a host of other characters for a dinner riddled with games, gambles and recitations.
The menu has been taken straight from the book and we promise you an exciting, entertaining evening from which no one will leave empty handed.
Mock Turtle Soup with breadandbutterflies
'Soup of the Evening, Beautiful Soup' (V)
Pig & Pepper
'Alice, Mutton. Mutton, Alice'
'The other side of what?' (V)
Painting the Roses Red
"If you stay long enough, we might have a battle."
*All guests must be appropriately attired. Prizes for the most splendid.